

Cosmic Lynx: A Russian Threat Hits the BEC Scene

“At some point, Russian and Eastern European cybercriminals are going to start thinking to themselves, ‘Why am I spending all of this time and money setting up infrastructure and hiring malware developers when I can just send someone an email, ask them to send me money, and they’ll do it.’”For more than a year, this is a line we have used over and over again, expecting that some of the world’s...

Agari Summer '20 Release: CISOs Gain Unique Threat Intel to Their Organizations

With business email compromise (BEC) scams up sharply amid the coronavirus pandemic, CISOs have been forced to scour an expanding but largely inscrutable email threat landscape in hopes of fending off costly attacks—until now, that is. In an industry first, the new Agari Summer '20 Release offers CISOs access to real-world intelligence on specific phishing threats unique to their organizations....

Forrester: Agari Phishing Defense Works a 97% ROI Over Three Years

A new Total Economic Impact (TEI) Study from Forrester finds that Agari Phishing Defense™ (APD) delivered results 36% faster than competing solutions, and results in a 97% ROI in just three years.But it turns out that's just the warm-up act.TEI reports are designed to help organizations accurately evaluate potential IT initiatives. In this instance, we commissioned the study so Forrester analysts...

Phishing: With Zero-Day Email Attacks Rising, Are Some Companies Giving Up the Fight?

Amid a troubling rise in zero-day phishing attacks, recent research suggests that some companies may be making an ill-advised shift away from blocking advanced email threats to responding to them post-delivery. If true, the capitulation couldn't come at a worse time. Since January, cybercriminals taking advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak have been targeting businesses and individuals with an...

Scattered Canary Cybercrime Ring Exploits the COVID-19 Pandemic with Fraudulent Unemployment and CARES Act Claims

Recently, news broke about how a sophisticated Nigerian cybercriminal organization has been committing mass unemployment fraud against a number of states, including Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wyoming. Based on information uncovered by the Agari Cyber Intelligence Division, some, if not all, the actors behind these fraudulent schemes are likely...

COVID-19 Credential Phishing Scams: Feeding Off Coronavirus Fears

Since the beginning of February, we have seen more than a 3,000% increase in Coronavirus-themed phishing attacks targeting our customers. The spike in attacks is as logical as it is repugnant. With an estimated 75 million employees more reliant than ever on email during the largest "work-from-home experiment" in history, phishing scammers and other threat actors seem hellbent on exploiting...

BEC Gift Card Scams Move Online During COVID-19 Pandemic

With 60 million corporate employees working remotely due to the Coronavirus outbreak, cybercriminals are switching up their tactics in business email compromise (BEC) scams.In what has been called the "world's largest work-from-home experiment," organizations around the globe are being forced to quickly transition to a remote workforce, ready or not. Cybercriminals have opportunistically adjusted...

Business Email Compromise (BEC): Security Risks from your 'Out-of-Office' Reply

As if coronavirus hasn't put enough of a damper on vacation schedules this spring, corporate employees taking time off might want to rethink their "out of office" email settings for fear a different threat: Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams. Sure, the temptation to share humorous details about your big spring adventure can be irresistible for a certain species of corporate denizen (especially...

Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Google Workspace: How the Exaggerated Lion Cybercrime Group Cashes Out

Business email compromise (BEC) has become the predominant cyber threat businesses face today. These basic social engineering scams are having a huge impact, to the tune of more than $700 million every month. To make matters worse, the recently-released Internet Crime Report from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center shows that BEC isn’t going away any time soon, as losses from BEC attacks...

DMARC and Lookalike Domains: How to Protect Your Customers from Getting Duped

Hint: DMARC Alone Won't Cut It Think the prospect of cybercriminals using your domains to launch phishing attacks sounds bad for your brand? Just wait until you hear the latest on lookalike domains. Over the last few months, researchers have been discovering a troubling number of phishing sites that feature domains meant to impersonate leading brands in a variety of industries. Sometimes referred...

Phishing Attacks: Top 3 Reasons Healthcare Employees Are Prime Targets

A growing body of evidence suggests employees throughout the healthcare sector may be uniquely vulnerable to phishing attacks. If finding itself a growing target for cybercriminals weren’t bad enough, the industry is also seeing associated lawsuits piling up. Montana-based Kalispell Regional Healthcare was recently hit with a suit after it disclosed that multiple employees had fallen victim to...

Microsoft Office 365 + Secure Email Cloud: All You Need in a Cloud-First World

You’ve heard the statistics…more than 70% of all business users will be provisioned with cloud office applications in the next two years, including email. It’s an overdue modernization that eliminates physical infrastructure to drive cost savings and integrate services for improved productivity Chasing this move, cybercriminals intent on account takeover are evolving their tactics, targeting end...

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks that Target Your Customers with DMARC and Office 365

Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on the Microsoft Security blog and has been republished here.  You already know that email is the number one attack vector for cybercriminals. But what you might not know is that without a standard email security protocol called Domain Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC), your organization is open to the phishing attacks that...

Weaponizing Accounts Receivable

Receipts and invoices—two accounting powerhouses that require little introduction. But step a little further into the world of finance and accounts, and you can quickly become a fish out of water, as the terminology to this numerical land seems to multiply exponentially.That said, in some of our recent active defense engagements with BEC cybercriminals, we have observed a new way scammers are...

From One to Many: Scattered Canary Evolves from One-Man Startup to BEC Enterprise

There is no denying that business email compromise (BEC) is big business, with losses exceeding a billion dollars in the United States in the last year alone. Globally, BEC attacks have cost more than $13 billion in the last five years. Chances are likely that you’ve probably been a recipient of one of these social-engineered emails yourself. But the question remains… who is behind these...

Quick, Urgent, Request: Agari Research Reveals Top Ten Subject Lines Used for BEC

You likely have a fraudulent email from a business email compromise (BEC) scammer sitting in your inbox, and you may not realize it. However, recent research from the Agari Cyber Intelligence Division (ACID) has shown that these advanced phishing attacks increasingly possess a handful of commonalities, making them easier to spot—which is good news considering their popularity.There are more BEC...

Why iTunes? A Look into Gift Cards as an Emerging BEC Cash Out Method

One of the trends that has been slowly creeping up across the BEC threat landscape is that actors are using other techniques in order to get money outside of an organization. While a traditional BEC attack includes instructions for wiring money outside of the organization, more and more actors are asking for a large number of gift cards instead of the classical request of “Please wire $30,000 to...

New “BEC-as-a-Service” Trend Means Just About Anyone Can Launch an Attack

Business email compromise (BEC) fraud is a lucrative venture, and now that industry is expanding in a troubling way—by lowering the barrier to entry so that anyone with a couple hundred bucks can outsource a BEC attack. BEC criminals are organized, behaving in many ways like legitimate businesses. And just like any successful company in a growing industry, these criminals are looking to add...

M&As Put Your Company at Risk for BEC Losses and Data Breach Liability

Mergers and acquisitions can build your company's value overnight, but business email compromise (BEC) and data breaches can tear it down just as quickly. Too often, M&A announcements are followed by waves of BEC attacks against the companies involved, or by news that the target company was the victim of a data breach. To get the most value from a merger or acquisition, you need to know how to...

Email Phishing Scam Continues to Target College Students

According to a public service announcement issued by the FBI, college students across the United States continue to be targeted in a common email phishing scam that lures students in with the promise of employment.It works like this: email Scammers advertise phony job opportunities on college employment websites or students receive emails on their student accounts recruiting them for fictitious...