

How to Stop Phishing Message Voicemail Attacks

At Agari we often talk about the evolving nature of advanced email attacks and the identity deception tactics that go with them. These attacks bypass legacy controls and like a magician delighting a curious audience, they trick the human psyche by targeting core human emotions such as fear, anxiety and curiosity. Of course, the magic in this case comes with ill intent. A good example of a...

Weaponizing Accounts Receivable

Receipts and invoices—two accounting powerhouses that require little introduction. But step a little further into the world of finance and accounts, and you can quickly become a fish out of water, as the terminology to this numerical land seems to multiply exponentially.That said, in some of our recent active defense engagements with BEC cybercriminals, we have observed a new way scammers are...

From One to Many: Scattered Canary Evolves from One-Man Startup to BEC Enterprise

There is no denying that business email compromise (BEC) is big business, with losses exceeding a billion dollars in the United States in the last year alone. Globally, BEC attacks have cost more than $13 billion in the last five years. Chances are likely that you’ve probably been a recipient of one of these social-engineered emails yourself. But the question remains… who is behind these...

Quick, Urgent, Request: Agari Research Reveals Top Ten Subject Lines Used for BEC

You likely have a fraudulent email from a business email compromise (BEC) scammer sitting in your inbox, and you may not realize it. However, recent research from the Agari Cyber Intelligence Division (ACID) has shown that these advanced phishing attacks increasingly possess a handful of commonalities, making them easier to spot—which is good news considering their popularity.There are more BEC...

Why iTunes? A Look into Gift Cards as an Emerging BEC Cash Out Method

One of the trends that has been slowly creeping up across the BEC threat landscape is that actors are using other techniques in order to get money outside of an organization. While a traditional BEC attack includes instructions for wiring money outside of the organization, more and more actors are asking for a large number of gift cards instead of the classical request of “Please wire $30,000 to...

New “BEC-as-a-Service” Trend Means Just About Anyone Can Launch an Attack

Business email compromise (BEC) fraud is a lucrative venture, and now that industry is expanding in a troubling way—by lowering the barrier to entry so that anyone with a couple hundred bucks can outsource a BEC attack. BEC criminals are organized, behaving in many ways like legitimate businesses. And just like any successful company in a growing industry, these criminals are looking to add...

M&As Put Your Company at Risk for BEC Losses and Data Breach Liability

Mergers and acquisitions can build your company's value overnight, but business email compromise (BEC) and data breaches can tear it down just as quickly. Too often, M&A announcements are followed by waves of BEC attacks against the companies involved, or by news that the target company was the victim of a data breach. To get the most value from a merger or acquisition, you need to know how to...

Agari Identity Graph

    Transcript    The Agari Identity Graph is the AI-powering Agari Suite of advanced email security solutions, protecting your inbox from costly and damaging phishing schemes, account takeovers, and business email compromise attacks. The Graph leverages machine learning and makes over 300 million model updates each day, analyzing tens of billions of emails flowing...

Account Takeover: The Evolution of Advanced Cyberattacks

Targeted email attacks continue to escalate as organizations deal with increasing numbers of phishing, spear phishing and ransomware attempts. But another attack vector—account takeovers—is affecting 44% of organizations and is posing a significant risk. Watch this webinar to learn how: These attacks lead to large-scale data breaches and financial losses; How organizations can identify account...

Email Phishing Scam Continues to Target College Students

According to a public service announcement issued by the FBI, college students across the United States continue to be targeted in a common email phishing scam that lures students in with the promise of employment.It works like this: email Scammers advertise phony job opportunities on college employment websites or students receive emails on their student accounts recruiting them for fictitious...

Why are my Google Calendar Invites Blocked by DMARC?

Are you sending Google Calendar invites and not getting replies, or maybe your invitees tell you they tried to reply and it was blocked? Or maybe you are trying reply to Google Calendar invites and being blocked saying the mail is not accepted due to your domain's DMARC policy?This is an issue I have been seeing, so I did some digging and I have figured out what is going on. Before I get to the...

Security Professional Pain Points – and How to Solve Them

Ask any security professional what the number one pain point is within their organization, and chances are they’ll say ‘user behavior’…with ‘malware’ coming in as a very close second. And while these issues are very different on the surface, they do have one thing in common: both are often the cause of high-profile data breaches, largely in part to the increased use of spear phishing email...
Press Release

New Cybersecurity Book Highlights Growing Threat of Social Engineering

Book Offers Tools and Techniques to Prevent Social Engineering-based Email Attacks SAN MATEO, Calif. – Dec. 13, 2016 – Agari, a leading cybersecurity company, today announced the release of a new book by Agari Chief Scientist Markus Jakobsson and other cybersecurity thought leaders, Understanding Social Engineering Based Scams. The book describes the increased use of social engineering for email...