When the Agari Cyber Intelligence Division released our report on London Blue in December, much of the focus was on how cybercriminals use legitimate lead generation services to identify their targets. Research we released today into a different cybergang—one we’ve named Scarlet Widow—shows how Nigerian criminals take a different tactic against more vulnerable institutions.

With Valentine’s Day celebrated around the world, today is a day full of love and joy—especially for those in committed relationships. People around the globe are celebrating their relationships by sending flowers and chocolates, enjoying fancy dinners, and writing love notes in greeting cards. Unfortunately, not all relationships are legitimate, and not everyone sees today as a celebration of love.

Human resources departments are the epitome of task ownership, carefully and efficiently connecting an organization’s needs with that of its employees. Employees in HR are tasked with recruitment, onboarding, and employee relations, and oftentimes handle payroll and benefits. Because of their wide reach, threat actors are now turning their attention to this organizational pipeline as they continue to evolve their employee-to-employee attack vectors.

Marriott Hotels, Dunkin Donuts, even the House GOP. During the final quarter of 2018, a host of high-profile data breaches and cyberattacks have made major headlines.

Some stemmed from business email compromise (BEC) scams, spear phishing campaigns, or other advanced email threats. Others are expected to help fuel such attacks in the future. A few might see somebody fight back through innovative, active defense measures.