

Agari Continuous Detection and Response

While email security solutions are designed to catch malicious emails before they reach user inboxes, no solution discovers every single malicious email 100% of the time. There is an ever-increasing number of new attacks, and cybercriminals are getting smarter. As new sources of threat intelligence or new social engineering attacks are discovered from SOC analyst investigation...

Fortra's Integration for Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR

Why Integrated Email Threat Data Matters Email is a primary vector for attacks on your business today—and email threats are evolving faster than ever. But actionable data about email attacks is often inaccessible to time-strapped security operations and incident response teams. That disconnect leaves your business vulnerable and unable to mitigate hidden email threats. ...

Post-Enforcement Advantages of Agari DMARC Protection

AT A GLANCE After reaching a DMARC enforcement policy, Agari DMARC Protection continues to provide immense value to customers. BENEFITS Improves customer trust by protecting your brand from being used in phishing attacks. Decreases time to reject by automating implementation. Maximizes marketing efficacy and improves email engagement with trusted communications. Reduces...